Classic Salmon and Trout Flies
of Europe and the Americas
Hans Weilenmann -- "A friend in low places"

Hans Weilenmann is familiar to many as a demonstration tier at fly-fishing shows, both in Europe and North America. His articles and reviews have been featured in several books and magazines, including Fly Fisherman magazine. A keen student and teacher of fly-casting, Hans is an FFF master fly-casting instructor, EFFA master fly-casting instructor and a member of the EFFA certification advisory board. He calls Amstelveen, The Netherlands, his home, and the world's rivers his stomping grounds.

Hans has been tying flies for more years than he cares to remember. Simple, yet effective patterns for trout and grayling are his forté.

He has been known to tie flies too small to be seen by most anglers, but which are certainly noticed by the fish. Another of Hans’ specialties is the use of cul de canard in a variety of patterns, notably in his signature fly, the effective and versatile CDC&Elk.

His interest in fly-tying, macro photography, and a background in computing and networking, all came together in Flytier's Page, a web site he created as a gallery of fly tiers the world over,and their patterns.

Note from Eric: What Hans' bio doesn't say is that he is among an elite group of tiers and fly designers. His CDC and Elk is an ingenious use of CDC and a pattern used around the world. I've even caught fish on it, so it's REALLY good. I'm thrilled to have some of his brilliant designs on my site. In addition, Hans is a fine educator, who gives back to the fly fishing and tying community on a daily basis. Oh, did I mention his vise? Easily the best I've ever used.~ELA

Copyright © 2006 Eric Austin
Background image from "Trout" by Bergman (1938)